Grade Curve Calculator

Grade Curve Calculator
{note}Highest possible grade: {formtext: name=highestpossiblescore; default=100; cols=5}%

Highest overall grade earned: {formtext: name=highestgrade; default=90; cols=5}% {curvepoints={=highestpossiblescore - highestgrade}} Original student grade: {formtext: name=originalstudentgrade; default=60; cols=5}%{endnote}

Curved grade: {finalgrade=originalstudentgrade + curvepoints}{=finalgrade; format=,.2f}%

Grade Curve Calculator is a tool used to Grade students on the basis of relative performance in an exam. Grading on a curve normalizes overall grades of a class and boosts the class average. It makes easier for professors to grade fairly and equitably when actual grades are distorted far from average.

Situations Where Curve Grading is Helpful

  • To improve Letter Grading for tough course like Mathematic, Engineering etc professors use Curve Grading to raise the overall class average grade.
  • Sometimes When the Grades are very scattered. The max and min of the grades earned are very far from overall class average, then relative Grading or curve grading or Linear Grading is very helpful. It raises the low graders to average high grades and gathers the middle grade achievers around the average.

For more details about when to use Curve Grading and when it fails read this article.

How to use Grade Curve Calculator

Inputs to the Calculator

Inputs are all in the fomat of percentage or points

  1. Enter the Highest Possible Grade (Generally, this will be 100% or 50 points)
  2. Enter the Highest/Max Grade earned by the student (You may use Quick Grade for finding student Grades in an exam)
  3. Enter the Actual Grade Earned by the specific student (For the student

Outpu of the Calculator

  1. Output of the Calculator is Curved Grade for the specific student in percentage.

Mathematics Behind Curve Grading

Curved Grade is calculated on the basis of the points allocated to the three inputs that are taken from the user.

Let suppose,
Highest Possible Grade, HpG = 100%

Maximum Grade Earned, MeG = 90 %

Curve Points=HpG-MeG

Grade Earned the specific student, GeS = 54 %


Curved Grade = GeS + Curve Points
= 54 +10
= 64

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